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Karndean Pittsburgh Warehouse


Fulfillment as Reliable as Our Products

Our history of 48- to 72-hour average order turnaround time is something you have come to rely on to keep projects on track. This elite standard of service is complemented by our low-cost, flat-rate shipping fee and unparalleled inventory levels across three US-based distribution centers.

In an industry where the status of a project can change in an instant, the new Karndean Designflooring Ready-Fill program further elevates your level of service.

Karndean Designflooring Las Vegas, NV distribution centerLas Vegas, NV
Karndean Designflooring Export, PA distribution centerExport, PA
Karndean Designflooring Dallas, TX distribution centerFort Worth, TX


Now Ordering is Easier Than Ever!

Orders up to 5,000 sq. ft. will ship within 48 hours. Fulfillment on orders larger than 5,000 sq. ft. may vary and will be quoted on a project-by-project basis.


Partner with Karndean Designflooring and have the product you need, when you need it. 

Contact your Karndean Business Manager to learn more.