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Knight Tile Gluedown

Grey Studio Oak KP152

Grey Studio Oak was inspired by clean unfinished prime oak boards. Our designers added oils to create soft tonal shifts and a light brushed natural feel. The beautiful grey tone of this product adds a touch of class to any interior.

Also available in a smaller 18” x 3” plank. View Grey Studio Oak SM-KP152.

  • 22 Design strips available

  • 11 Borders available

More information

Woodplank Designs

Create a variety of looks by experimenting with different plank layouts for a classic or contemporary scheme. We have numerous styles and sizes to choose from with our authentic large planks in Art Select, Van Gogh and Opus collections to slim and sophisticated looks in Da Vinci. 

Laying Patterns

You can arrange planks running straight down the length of a room for a simple but authentic look or for smaller rooms why not try laying your planks on a diagonal to give the appearance of a wider space.

Ships Decking Effect

If you are looking for something a bit different try adding decorative strips in between each plank which we call ships decking to really define your floor. Choose a decorative strip as a contrast to your main floor to create a feature around your furnishings or define the shape of your room.  

Add a Border

Allow your imagination to run free and create a floor that is unique to you -from a simple angled tramline perimeter strip to a smooth and sumptious Keyline curve, anything is possible with Karndean Designflooring.