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Knight Tile Rigid Core

Pale Limed Oak SCB-KP94-6

Nos planches imitant le chêne Pale Limed Oak offrent une gamme de couleurs allant du blond décoloré aux tons de miel. Ce revêtement de sol neutre constitue une belle addition aux projets de style traditionnel, contemporain et même scandinave.

Chaque planche flottante de 36" x 6" est dotée d'une couche d'usure de 12 mils et d'une protection de surface K-Guard+®.

Ce design est également disponible en format adhésif. Visitez KP94.

More information

Incorporating different laying patterns can help create an environment that is both unique and has impact. Our Van Gogh multi-format range offers numerous pattern possibilities and a choice in format to meet your specification requirements.

Try combining plank sizes, styles, or shapes with our gluedown collection to create zones, walkways, or areas of interest.

Alternatively, match texture and colour to create a tonally blended floor using our rigid core designs and, in the process, reduce installation time significantly.

Explore a range of suggested laying patterns here.