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Case Study: Cambria

Posted on the 2021-03-09 by Karndean Designflooring

In a resort destination like Madeira Beach, Florida the hotel landscape is quite competitive. As Cambria planned a new property in this competitive market, Jacki Arena, principal of Jacki Arena Interiors, felt that this property required unique flooring when compared with the standardized look and feel of other chain hotels across the country. Having previously played a large role in developing and designing the Cambria brand prototype a few years prior, Arena was familiar with the performance of Karndean Designflooring luxury vinyl in this type of application.


"We just loved the depth of the material and texture, the durability and how authentic it looked installed," Arena said. "The flooring needed to feel suitable for a beach destination regarding color, texture and durability. LVT is most practical when sand and water are variables."

Arena chose Ignea WP313, a 20mil wood look from the Opus range. To see more photos of the completed project, read and download the full Cambria Case Study.