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Spanish Cherry RL05 in a dining room

Art Select

Spanish Cherry RL05

The rich chocolate hues of Spanish Cherry suit both contemporary and more traditional commercial spaces. The larger format 48" x 7" wood planks are an ideal size for covering large floor areas. Spanish Cherry has a durable 30 mil wear layer and is easy to clean and maintain, even in heavy footfall areas.

More information

Art Select Wood Flooring
Art Select woods add real impact to your living space. Our most intricate designs have been lovingly crafted to reflect the natural materials that inspired them. We’ve designed our Art Select range to withstand the pressures of a busy household. It won’t split, splinter or warp and has a non-porous surface that’s hygienic – food and drink won’t contaminate or stain the surface. It’s easy on the eye, quiet on the ear and feels soft and warm on the feet too.

Choose from large wood planks or parquet or even combine the two for a more distinctive floor design. 

Residential Guarantee
The Art Select range has a lifetime residential guarantee. Our Guarantee has a more comprehensive description of our guarantees.

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